It is said that many of our own are decedents of noble warriors and knights of the ancient times, some of our brothers trace their lineages back to Charlemagne, King Henry the Fifth’s noble knight’s and even king Leonidas three hundred Spartans, but whether we are true descendants or not of these noble warriors doesn’t matter, what matters is that we follow their example of bravery, courage, chivalry and brotherhood.

Our order began where many met their end, on the field of battle. Where brotherly bonds stronger than the steel they held in their hands were formed, many kings, Czar’s and emperor’s often let their power corrupt them, numerous injustices occur and many calamities befall the innocent and defenceless, but we as a brotherhood vowed to protect such ones no matter the cost to us, and so our order was formed in hushed voices and secrets meetings on the twilight of Thursday October 1307, the king of France could destroy our castles, take our wealth, and even murder our innocent brothers, but our new order could never be destroyed, we would bide our time, keep our senses, speak in whispers, and be ever watchful, until the day we could rise from the ashes and the dust, as the brotherhood of the phoenix.