History of Brotherhood of the Phoenix (Formerly Phoenix Ascension C&C)
Throughout the Middle ages there were those who preyed on the innocent, but also those who fought to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Willing to put themselves in harms way to ensure others could be safe. These brave few were knights of old.
This is also true of today. From the Messers to the pirate scum plaguing our society, even to the likes of the Vanduul, there are many who wish to do the innocent harm. Today, we are the ones standing to protect them. We are the band of brothers who fight for justice. We are the Brotherhood of the Phoenix.
With a long history coming from orders such as the Teutonic Knights, The knights of Santiago and the Knights Templar as well as countless others, we modern day brothers in arms may not all share ancestors in these original brothers, but all share a common sense of spirit.
However, while we may now share a singular purpose and be of the same oath, it took some time to bring us together as one. To make mnag orders into one took generations, but we now stand proud of our brothers of all orders.
Our brothers who fought in the battle of Thermopylae in 480bce. 300 holding the line against 1 million Persian invaders.
Our brothers who fought in the Battle of Montgisard in 1177, led by young King Baldwin IV who, even though seriously ill, fought and drove back the larger army of Saladin.
Our brothers who fought in the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, led by King Henry V. Those brave men who found themselves outnumbered, demoralised, and fatigued fought off all odds and gained victory, turning the tide of a war and history.
It is the example shown by these men that inspires us to stand when outnumbered. To fight to the last man, and for a single man to fight like a myriad of soldiers.
Throughout his final years as the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay had an almost singular purpose: to reform the Order and adjust it to the situation they were facing during the waning days of the Crusades.
The Knights Templar had a threat they were facing. That being then King Phillip IV of France was deeply in debt to the Knights Templar. On the last Thursday of November 1305, knowing the King was likely to turn on them in order to save face, A band of Knights held a secret meeting. The location was unknown even to Jacques himself, but they had one order: create an order that would stand the test of time. An order that could operate in the shadows. Through change of kings, empires, society itself. They had with them descendants from others Knights Orders. By intentionally not making himself a member of this new order and thus giving it no official connection with him, Jacques ensured that if he was to fail in reforming the Knights Templar itself, his brotherhood would live on in another form
They would need to be reborn. To rise again, no matter how many times they were torn down. On that day, they formed The Brotherhood of the Phoenix.
Only two years later, Jacques de Molay had his worst fears realised. The King, having reached the point of desperation, turned on the Knights Templar. Tearing them down and arresting every member he could, forcing them into false confessions. When Jaques recanted the confession he was forced into making in 1314, he was put to death.
However, this gave birth to many legends of his exploits. And, in the shadows, the organisation he had inspired began to continue forming. Creating its own creeds, oaths, and legends.
The Dark Times
For generations the Brotherhood operated in the shadows. Unable to show ourselves, we chose to serve those less fortunate where others could not. Operating out of various strongholds and bunkers, we slowly began once again increasing our influence.
However, as the world began to change, or methods changed with it. Working under various names and organisations, we found new ways to spread our influence without the need to hold a weapon.
As humanity found its way into the stars, we began operating in more than just battles. We began to take our part in transactions. Transporting goods to areas others were afraid to go. Repairing the vehicles of those who couldn’t make their way home otherwise. All, of course, for a price.
And in the year 2438, when humanity discovers alien life for the first time, society changed forever. Some felt that this would dawn a new age of peace and advancement. Others feared alien life and felt we could only trust our own. Whereas the Brotherhood remained realistic. We were excited for the future this would bring, but knowing there would be complications, we began preparing for the worst. There would be more civilisations to be found, and eventually a trial would come.
And so it did.
Society was ill equipped to face the Tevarin wars. Too focused on looking into a utopian future, humanity had become soft and unaware. People were ready to learn a way of life that would prepare them for whatever trials would lie ahead. The Brotherhood of the Phoenix, after so many centuries of being in the shadows, were finally ready to make ourselves known.
John Erramos II, the Brotherhood’s Grand Master at the time, had the honour of finally making our organisation known. At the battle of Idris IV, the Brotherhood helped in relaying ground-side intelligence from The Greys. After the UPE’s victory, John Erramos began a campaign of making our ways known. With this, it would bring encouragement for others to follow our ways, even in their day-to-day
lives. It would also bring glory to the Brotherhood.
After the eventual defeat of the Tevarin, the Brotherhood began taking contracts with many different organisations to help serve and protect. These involved many different duties, but all led to the glory of the Brotherhood. While our way of life necessitated keeping our numbers small, we were sure to make every man count.
Today, we live our lives as brothers in whatever we do. To be of the Brotherhood is to stand for the qualities of a knight. Mercy, justice, humility, honor, sacrifice, faithfulness, and courage.
We are proud of our heritage and the roots which we speak of. If you stand for justice, live with honour, and act with mercy you will have a friend in the brotherhood. If you stand to exploit the innocent, or if you choose to initiate hostilities, be aware. For you have an enemy in The brotherhood of the Phoenix.
Maybe coming from Knights Templar? So secretive even the order itself didn’t know the full extent of their influence.
– falsely claim to bring down Messers. Many including us had part, but aren’t “naive enough to believe we alone brought him down
-also they just suck generally
Throughout the Middle ages there were those who preyed on the innocent. Craving wealth, power, or simply to satisfy a desire to harm others. There were also those who fought against them. Seeking to protect the innocent. To stand before those seeking to do evil and halt them in their tracks. Willing to lay down their lives for their brothers fighting beside them. Willing to put themselves in harms way to ensure others could be safe. These brave few were knights of old.
It is true to say that humanity has not changed since then. From the Messers to the scum who lurk behind debris hoping to take by force that which doesn’t belong to them, even to the likes of the Vanduul. There are many who wish to do the innocent harm. However, much like in the past, there are also those who stand against them. Those who put themselves at risk to stop innocents from harm.
Coming from the groups such as the Teutonic Knights, the knights of Santiago and the Knights Templar as well as countless others,
These modern day brothers in arms may not all
Many say humanity was never the same after the conclusion of the second Tevarin war. Those who say it sent humanity on a spiral towards chaos.
Teutonic knights, knights templar, knights of Santiago,
The reformation following the Massacre of Garron II changed the known universe in a great many ways. The political climate changed forever. This not only gave the government a new face with new laws, but it also meant an opportunity for many serving in the UEE to take what possessions they had and pursue new dreams across the stars. This was the case for young Private First Class John Erammos. Taking advantage of his unit being disbanded, he took his only ship and headed out to the Odin system; a fringe, sparsely populated System with few regulations and many opportunities. Erramos Trading Co was born.
Using nothing but his trusty Aurora CL and a hard-working attitude, he turned a solo contracting company based solely in the Odin system into a multi-system spanning corporation involving over a dozen ships and a number of skilled professionals. In addition to the increase in personnel and fleet size John Erramos also upgraded to using a Drake Caterpillar as his personal cargo vessel.
Death of John Erammos
Suspected transportation of contraband goods was listed as the reason for arrest, but unfortunately during an attempt to reposition for cargo inspection there was a ship malfunction causing accidental cargo jettison and an accidental weapon discharge in the direction of law officers. The nature of this series of unfortunate coincidences is still under dispute by Crusader Security reports, however this is the official story according to Phoenix Ascension C&C.
Upon his passing John Erramos Trading Co, the company he built from the group up was passed on to his only son, Kaid Erramos.
The Downfall
Hopes were high as many were eager to see what Kaid Erramos would bring to the table. Initial signs showed promise with rapid expansions into multiple systems and a further enlargement of the Erramos Trading Co fleet of cargo vessels due to promising negotiations with Musashi Industrial & Starflight Concern, leading to the acquisition of no less than half a dozen of their Freelancer Max variants. This new leaf was a short lived one, however.
In the year 2933 Shubin Interstellar, for whom Erramos Trading Co were long-term transportation contractors, announced their first deficit in the Ferron system. Unfortunately this meant the cancellation of Erramos’ largest contract. A month later it was discovered that Kaid Erramos had borrowed heavily against the company’s assets in order to facilitate the expansion. With the company on the verge of liquidation and the guilt of bringing his father’s company to possible bankruptcy, Kaid took one of the newly acquired vessels and departed, never to be heard from again.
James Montal, who served in the UEE with John, stepped in as interim CEO and attempted to hold the company together. However, it was already too late. After merely 6 months with Montal at the helm the company entered liquidation, leaving the company a shell of its former self.
With only a single vessel James Montal continued operation of the company, doing business only in the Odin system. While the name still carried weight in many of the surrounding systems, its new reputation proved to be a bane for the company and it almost went out of business entirely.
That is, until a promising offer to take the company and rejuvenate it bringing it back to it’s former glory.
A New Era
A syndicate of three members came forward to acquire the rights, name and resources of the now former Erramos Trading Co. Jackson Blanche, a cargo transport manager from the Sol system, Dean Caruso, a -insert vocation and system-, and Corey Cross, a -insert vocation and system- came in to transform the company into what it is today.
Starting with a new name and logo, Phoenix Ascension Contractors & Company quickly gained a foothold in the Odin system and aggressively expanded out into the surrounding areas. Taking contracts involving cargo transportation, mining, salvage, general freelancing, and even taking on exploration tours, Phoenix Ascension established themselves as a capable, reliable, and discrete set of professionals willing to take on even the toughest of jobs.
Today, Phoenix Ascension C&C stand ready to help citizens of the Verse fulfill nearly any task they have at hand. With multiple vessels of various types at their disposal, Phoenix Ascension or PACC are willing to do whatever it takes for their clients in order to help enrich both their lives and their accounts.